I offer conscious relationship counseling & coaching to couples, co-parents, families & any number of other connections


Photo by Daria Obymaha

Relationships are intense. They bring up our deepest fears and insecurities, the parts of ourselves we may have tried hard to conceal for most of our lives. This is one of the most beautiful aspects of connection—the potential for growth, the opportunity for truth, healing and love—yet many of us fall short in our relationships because we don’t realize we are acting out past traumas with those around us. Our task in relationship work is to move from codependent to conscious ways of relating.

Humans are relational beings. We learn to regulate our emotional state by co-regulating with others. We learn to judge whether we are safe based on the wellbeing and reactions of those around us. It is a matter of survival. In fact, the same part of the brain that is activated when we experience physical pain is also activated when we experience rejection or the feeling of not belonging. Our early attachments play a critical role in the health of our future relationships, including with ourselves.

Learning to balance our relationship to self and other, create healthy boundaries, and take responsibility for the creation of our own life, are key tasks for becoming emotionally mature adults. The need for connection and the need for independence are both very real human needs, which must each be honored in order for us to thrive.


Whether you are seeking counseling with a loved one OR parenting support, I will lovingly guide you back to your own needs in order to help you create greater wholeness in your connections.

Photo by Valentin Antonucci