H.E.A.L. Approach

At its root the word heal means “to become whole.” H.E.A.L. Your Self Counseling operates under the assumption that our natural state is one of wholeness and everyone possesses the innate ability to heal themselves. I carry the following approach throughout all my offerings.



heal wounds, negative beliefs & relationships

Our emotional wounds are sorrows that we never let ourselves fully grieve. While this is understandable—we were most likely trying to protect ourselves from harm—it is not sustainable. Hurts and traumas live inside the body until they are fully felt and released. The longer we leave our pain unattended, the more likely it is to cause a state of “dis-ease” in the mind and body by negatively impacting our beliefs about ourselves and the world around us. Learn to shift negative thought patterns and to contact your emotions in a way that feels safe. By practicing compassion and making friends with grief, you will begin to relate to yourself and others in a more loving way, creating space for the life you want to live.



embody your authentic expression

Many of us spend a majority of our time on autopilot, moving through our days with little awareness of what we’re actually doing or feeling, operating within a program we have been conditioned to accept. We are not taught to be present with the sensations of our body, which is where our deepest truths and desires reside. Instead, we are taught to be fearful, ashamed and avoidant of our bodies. This is a tragedy, because the body—once we learn its language and needs—can be our greatest ally, informant and avenue for healing. Learn to become more present and at home in your body through mindfulness- and movement-based practices, so that you may uncover forgotten parts of yourself and embody—or give tangible form to—your highest self and calling.



align with intuition & soul purpose

As you become more embodied, you will simultaneously begin to access a deeper knowing that is always available to you. Aligning with your intuition will lead you to the things that make you come alive. Listening to your inner guide will help you make decisions for yourself—large and small—that are in greater alignment with your values. For some, this may resemble universal or divine wisdom; for others it is simply the sensations, images, sounds, energetics, etc. that communicate to us at a level deeper than the chatter of the mind. This part of the process is about learning to trust yourself.



live a life you LOVE

What kind of life do you envision for yourself? Does it involve building your dream business or home? Or is it simply slowing down enough to cook dinner or be present with your children? No goal is too small nor too grand to work toward. Fully living your life—being present for the joys and the sorrows—and freely expressing your most authentic self, is the point of healing, perhaps that and helping others to do the same. Liberate yourself from both the internal and external systems in your life causing you suffering, and you will find that you were never stuck to begin with.