I embolden you to uncover, liberate and celebrate the feminine mystery within you


This offering is available through the framework of either coaching or psychotherapy.

Through my own healing journey, I have come to find that much of my wounding stems from a larger collective cultural wound: our disconnect from the feminine aspects of life. When I talk about the feminine, I do not mean what we have been taught to believe about this word—pink, frilly, girly, sweet, pleasant, submissive, agreeable. Rather, I am referring to the characteristics of the feminine that have been hidden, controlled, subdued, ridiculed, rejected or worse, for fear of their power.

The feminine I speak of is Dark. It is The earth. IT is the rich, black, fertile soil. It is The body. It is water. wildness. sexuality. sensuality. pleasure. collaboration. care. emotion. intuition. wisdom. mystery. stillness. softness. roundness. depth. healing. Creativity. change. cycles. birth. death. rebirth. Even life itself.

For centuries, we have been glorifying the masculine, and not the true, healthy masculine, but a twisted, dominating, over-productive, exploitative, power-hungry version of it. Our relationship to the masculine must also heal. I have found that this process emerges naturally once we learn to embrace our forgotten feminine selves. When I talk about masculine and feminine qualities, I am not associating them with men and womxn specifically. Ideally, all genders are able to experience their own unique balance and draw on both energies as needed. 

While it may seem a foreign concept at first, there are countless simple ways to connect with our inner feminine. For example, learning what it means to truly nurture ourselves—remembering how to rest, how to slow down, connecting with our bodies and the earth, embracing emotion and intuition as our allies, moving toward pleasure, tapping into our innate wisdom and creativity, becoming our own healer.

Whether through therapy or coaching, I bring this feminist lens to our work together. Part of why I feel so passionate about cultivating feminine empowerment and leadership is that I believe it is what our world needs to heal. We cannot repress any part of our selves and expect to be whole. Much of my understanding of the Feminine Principle comes from studies of my own Celtic lineage. In 2023 I was fortunate to participate in a Celtic feminine leadership program through Jen Murphy’s School of Celtic Embodiment, which greatly expanded my knowledge. However, the Feminine is universal and we can find representation of Her in any lineage. I’m curious about it all.