rates & access


All sessions are 60 minutes, unless more time is desired.

Individual Session: $90 - $290

Couples & Families: $110 - $310

Fee structure same for psychotherapy and coaching.


H.E.A.L. Your Self Counseling does not accept insurance. There are many reasons for this, the primary being that it would not allow me, Kelly Jeanne, to work with others in the holistic way that feels authentic to me. I understand how expensive healing can be. Counseling is a significant investment in your health and wellbeing, one that may be worth reprioritizing other nonessential expenses for, to the extent possible.

To provide an equitable service, I offer sliding scale pricing. The best rate for you is determined by your unique situation, including location, cost of living, income, etc. If you are able to pay on the higher end of the scale without stress, I encourage you to do so, as this is what allows others to receive therapy at a rate they can afford. Rates are discussed during the free initial consultation.